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Club Policies
All Canskate/Hockey Ready parents/guardians will be required to sign the CANSKATE & HOCKEY READY policy & liability agreement as part of the Uplifter registration process.
- All ice sessions must be purchased in their entirety and are non transferable. Fees are pro-rated for start dates beginning after the first month of the session (eg, after October or February).
- Unscheduled individual ice sessions may be cancelled due to test days or hockey tournaments, and skaters will be notified in advance as much as possible. In that event, skaters will be given a substitute session or a refund at the SSCV’s discretion.
- Skaters must provide their own equipment, including skates with proper ankle support and blade alignment. Skates must be kept sharp – speak with a Coach or Executive member for recommendations.
- CSA approved hockey helmets are MANDATORY. Gloves or mittens are required by all skaters.
- No swearing, bullying, temper tantrums, unsportsmanlike conduct or other inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.
- Coaches have the right to dismiss skaters for inappropriate behavior. Under such circumstances, parents will be notified as to the circumstances. After 3 dismissals, it will be brought to the SSCV Executive’s attention and this may result in the skater being suspended from the SSCV without refund.
- Parents should not coach their child at rink side. Parents must not go on the ice during sessions.
- REFUND POLICY – No refunds will be given to skaters who leave on their own accord. The only exception considered will be for major medical conditions affecting the skater and confirmed by a physician’s statement. Requests must be in writing and submitted to the Executive’s attention.
All Junior Intermediate & Senior parents/guardians are required to sign the policy & liability agreement as part of the Uplifter registration process.
- All ice sessions must be purchased in their entirety and are not transferable. Fees are pro-rated for start dates beginning after the first month of the session (eg, after October or February).
- Individual ice sessions may be cancelled due to test days or hockey tournaments, and skaters will be notified in advance as much as possible. In that event, skaters will be given a substitute session or a refund at the SSCV’s discretion.
- Skaters should commit to an energized work ethic that enhances the training environment.
- Proper attire and grooming is required for all on-ice and off-ice sessions. For on-ice sessions, hair should be neat and tight, gloves and SSCV jacket (or zip up jacket with no hood) are a must. Skirts/leggings and tights for girls, skating pants for boys. Off-ice attire is required as outlined by the off-ice instructor.
- During a free skate session a Coach who is instructing has the complete right-of-way. The soloist will be identified and has the right-of-way. Rights-of-way will be given to skaters receiving a lesson.
- Skaters must make every effort to be on time.
- No swearing, bullying, temper tantrums, unsportsmanlike conduct or other inappropriate behavior will be tolerated. Do not put others at risk by kicking the ice. Do not stand or coast in the middle of the ice; be aware of a fast moving session.
- Off-ice training is essential for all skaters to reach their maximum potential as a skater. The SSCV off-ice program promotes injury prevention by including stretch, strength, dry land jumping, ballet and theory to prepare all skaters physically, mentally and technically for success on the ice.
- Skaters must provide their own equipment, including skates with proper ankle support and blade alignment. Skates must be kept sharp – speak with a Coach or Executive member for recommendations.
- Skaters must ask a coach for permission to leave the ice no matter what the circumstance. Coaches have the right to dismiss skaters for unexcused or chronic lateness, standing around and/or socializing during sessions or inappropriate behavior. Under such circumstances, the skater(s) will be asked to leave the ice and parents will be notified as to the circumstances. After 3 dismissals, it will be brought to the SSCV Executive’s attention and this may result in the skater being suspended from the SSCV without refund.
- Parents should not coach their child at rink side. Parents must not go on the ice during sessions.
- REFUND POLICY – No refunds will be given to skaters who leave on their own accord. The only exception considered will be for major medical conditions affecting the skater and confirmed by a physician’s statement. Requests must be in writing and submitted to the Executive’s attention. The Skate Canada Fee, and the Operational Fee is non-refundable.
All individuals at one time or another may receive personal, privileged and/or confidential information which may concern other individuals. Individuals are obligated to ensure that personal information to which they may have access remains confidential, is only used for the purposes for which it was collected is not disclosed without authorization or used for personal gain. Any individual who discloses personal information, contrary to this policy will be subject to disciplinary measures.
Individuals are required to follow the 10 Fair Information Principles and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information as set out in this policy.
- Accountability: Skate Canada is accountable to those whose personal information comes under its custody for ensuring that their information is protected in a manner consistent with this policy. Accountability for Skate Canada’s compliance with the policy rests with the Safe Sport Director, or delegate.
- Identifying Purposes: Skate Canada will identify the purpose for which it collects, uses, and discloses personal information prior to collecting the information. Skate Canada only collects, uses or discloses personal information for purposes consistent with meeting its mandate and core functions.
- Consent for Collection, Use or Disclosure: Knowledge and consent of the individual are required for the collection, use or disclosure of identifiable personal information, except where legally permissible. Notice of Collection statement must be communicated to registrants at registration (Appendix A). Knowledge and consent of the individual is not required for the collection, use or disclosure of non-identifiable personal information. Individuals with a direct relationship with Skate Canada may withdraw their consent and can do so by contacting Skate Canada.
- Collection: Skate Canada limits the collection of personal information to that which is necessary for the purposes it has identified. Skate Canada collects personal information by fair and lawful means.
- Use and Retention: Skate Canada does not use identifiable personal information for purposes other than those identified prior to collection, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. “Use” includes processing identifiable information in such a way that it is no longer identifiable. Skate Canada allows only authorized staff to access and use specific data holdings of personal information on a “need-to-know” basis, that is, when required to perform their duties. Personal information is retained only as long as necessary for the fulfillment of purposes identified at collection. For purposes of long-term analysis and reporting, Skate Canada may retain personal information permanently. Personal information that is no longer required to fulfill the identified purposes is destroyed, erased, or made anonymous in a secure manner.
- Disclosure: Skate Canada may disclose or publish non-identifiable (e.g. aggregated) personal information only, having used reasonable precautions to ensure that individuals cannot foreseeably be identified by linking this information with other information. Skate Canada may disclose identifiable personal information only when: a) the recipient is the data provider that originally provided the identifiable personal information., or b) the disclosure is required by legislation, or c) Skate Canada has obtained the consent of the individuals concerned.
- Accuracy: Personal information will be as accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary for the purposes for which Skate Canada collects, uses or discloses it. Skate Canada updates personal information when necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information is collected, used or disclosed. Data providers are responsible for ensuring the personal information they provide to Skate Canada is accurate, complete and up-to-date for the purpose specified.
- Safeguards: Skate Canada protects personal information with security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity and identifying nature of the information. The security safeguards protect personal information against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification and will protect personal information that it holds or transmits regardless of the format in which it is held. Care is used in the disposal or destruction of personal information to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to the information.
- Transparency and Openness: Those whose personal information Skate Canada collects, uses and discloses are entitled to know what Skate Canada’s practices and policies are in connection with this information and to challenge those practices and policies. Skate Canada makes readily available information about its practices and policies in order to promote transparency and explicitness.
- Individual Access to and Amendment of Personal Information: Upon request, Skate Canada will inform an individual what identifiable personal information it has collected, used or disclosed about him/her, and from whom it has been collected and to whom it has been disclosed. An individual shall be able to access his or her personally identifiable information, and to have it amended as appropriate, which may include the correction, deletion or addition of information. Skate Canada responds to an individual’s request to amend his or her identifiable personal information within a reasonable time and at minimal or no cost to the individual.
For complete policy information refer to the Skate Canada Privacy Policy through the membership site: Privacy Policy (
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